
Monday, May 29, 2023



   On this, the 155th anniversary of what was originally Decoration Day (May 30, 1868) following the end of the Civil War, and would be officially renamed Memorial Day in 1968 by a act of Congress. I would like to pause to recognize those who answered the call of duty valiantly and who bore the cost of freedom without hesitation... This is the true meaning behind Memorial Day... It is sad to think there are generations of publicly 'educated' masses unaware of the origins of their day off...

   There have been hundreds of thousands of the fallen, both here and abroad, wherever the theater of conflict has been engaged around the globe.  Patriots all, selfless individuals who laid their last full measure upon the alter of duty and paid a price we honor, struggle to justify and can never repay. This is the reason for Memorial Day. - GOD BLESS YOUR SACRIFICE.

   And yet many additional Americans will be called upon to answer that future call and be tallied in the multitude of war casualties is almost inevitable, joining those that went before...
On this Memorial Day - GOD BLESS YOUR PATRIOTISM.  

Arlington National Cemetery

    As we observe this most solemn of  National holidays, let us take a few moments to quietly reflect on why we celebrate the day and those who paid the ultimate price for our continued but fragile freedom.



  1. Freedom has never been free! Sad that generations will never understand or care. God has a special place next to him for the fallen soldier.
    Well said my friend! Truly spoken from the heart.

  2. Many gave much, but some gave all. Today I reflect on my ancestors who survived the hell of war and insured my existence. It was good to learn about Decoration Day. Hold your loved ones a little closer this Memorial Day.

  3. Very moving, Walt, and a perfect tribute to those patriots to whom we owe our freedom.


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