
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Respect For D-Day

 Today marks the 79th anniversary of D-Day, also known as the Normandy Invasion, the greatest military operation in history and the beginning of the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation. It stands as one of America’s finest hours. June 6th, 1944, Allied forces launched the pivotal event of World War II... a massive amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy France. 

   There were five intended landing sites, code named, Omaha Juno Sword Utah & Gold. The operation was comprised of combat troops from the United States the United Kingdom and Canada and others... thousands of men in a coordinated attack in an attempt to establish a foothold in Europe to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control. Facing withering fire from the cliff tops above the beachfronts and fierce resistance, enduring hundreds of casualties the Allied forces were successful in securing the beach head and advancing inland establishing control of the coastal area. Normandy marked an important turning point in World War II, leading to the eventual defeat of the Nazi forces, the Axis powers. Restoring the Peace in Europe.

  Let's remember the anniversary of this historic undertaking, appreciate the hardships and sacrifice of all involved... hoping an event of this scale is never required again...


  1. I just wonder if this world-changing event is even a part of education today. It was certainly real to our fathers. Nice and timely post.

  2. Truly a sad event in our history and an amazing testament to the greatest generation. I remember my Uncle telling the story of landing crafts heading to the beach at low tide. They got stuck on a shallow shoal about a hundred yards from the beach. The soldiers were told that they would have to walk the rest of the way. The ramp was lowered and the soldiers ran into the water, only to find that the water was deeper on the other side of the shoal. The weigh of the equipment dragged them down and they drowned. God Bless the fallen soldier and may they find peace in heaven.

    Nice write up and very well said!

  3. This is Curt, I was stationed on the USS Cochran DDG-21 home ported in Pearl Harbor, on Nov 7 1971 and watched the ceremony on the Arizona Memorial. 1971 was the 30th anniversary of the attack. The entire Island was very quiet.


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