
Monday, July 3, 2023

Some Thoughts Regarding Branson...

  Welcome back, 'Blog-Fans' 

 Thank you for your continuing support of this indulgence.

  We spent a week in Branson Missouri ... Right at the start, let me say, one week is not enough time to see and do all Branson has to offer and may I add the place is pure 'tourist trap'...

  Just outside of Branson on Business Rt US65 is the little hamlet of Hollister, MO. Here the Turkey Creek RV Village (an Escapees RV Club Associated Park) is located. Turkey Creek became or base of operations for our visit to Branson and all its attractions. We met up at Turkey Creek with Neal and Jan, the couple we are traveling with on our sojourn to The Dakotas to explore the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore... more on this later. Neal and Jan are a delightful couple and a pleasure to travel with.

   Branson, Missouri is a city in Taney County that was established in the early 1800s by settlers of English, Scottish and Irish descent who moved to the Ozarks from neighboring states. The city was named after Reuben Branson, who opened a general store and post office in 1882. Branson was formally incorporated in 1912 and became an industrial center for logging and manufacturing.

  BRING PLENTY OF MONEY... Branson is a Tourist Trap in the truest sense of the term. 

  I don't have the space in this blog post to list all the attractions in Branson, the actual number of shows, sites and events is mind boggling... Museums, Wild Animal parks, train rides, caves historical centers and businesses selling 'time shares'. BEWARE some of the places offering reduced price and half price, or free tickets to shows are fronts for time share sales! 

I can personally recommend the Showboat Branson Belle, a paddle wheeler, dinner show and scenic cruise on Lake Taneycomo. 

Showboat Branson Belle

Photobombed by Fellow Travelers 
The Ozark Zephyr on the Branson Scenic Railway is a charming train ride thru the trees of the surrounding area but not much more... what made the experience fun was our travel companions and our interactions with the other passengers seated in one of the two restored domed observation cars. 

Following our excursion on the Ozark Zephyr we enjoyed a relaxed late lunch at Waxy O'Shae's Irish Pub. Bangers and Mash...  Neal and I enjoyed a pint of the Irish Red Ale Delish ! Highly recommended.

It was a hot and humid day as most summer days are in Branson so the libation was most refreshing.

  Another recommendation for an enjoyable attraction is the Branson Wild West Murder Mystery Dinner Show (There are several murder mysteries shows so check info for each) The show includes audience participation,  hilariously entertaining and the food was very good.

  Most of the tourist attractions are along RT 76 known as "The Strip"... It rivals Las Vegas for glitz and excessive advertisement signage. Every block has several venues to part you from your vacation funds. There are every conceivable type of attractions available for your consideration. Tribute shows, musical jamborees, Music halls, 'Museums', Theaters, motels and inns... there are more water parks and mini golf venues than you can shake a stick at!

  A Hollywood Wax Museum, Dick Clark's Band Stand, Five golf courses, a self drive golf cart adventure and cave tour and two, not one but two, ubiquitous Super Walmart's.

  I will say that the entire area is very patriotic... highly respectful, appreciative and grateful for active duty service members and military veterans, most places offering a discount as a token for the sacrifice. 

  On Saturday morning, Neal and I went down to an area called the Branson Landing for a APBA (American Power Boat Association) boat race. The day was blazing hot, many beers gave themselves willingly to assuage our thirst and prevent our dehydration. We had a great time being only yards from the high speed action of the Formula Light Outboards.

APBA Formula Lights

80 MPH plus - Awesome

Saturday evening we returned to the Branson Landing for a FREE (woo hoo) Fire and Water fountain display. The 'show' takes place hourly all day but is best observed after dark. I am including a video snippet of the display for your consideration...

 As fate would have it we met up with the Mills, Mike and Sandy, from Lonestar on our last day at Turkey Creek after they completed their first round of service and repairs on their Vintage Tiffin while in Red Bay, AL. Good friends and a fellow blogger.

 I will wrap it up here... so much to do and see in the Branson area... Just don't add up the cost. Simply hand them your wallet and enjoy yourself  !!


  1. Very nice write up. I handed them my wallet and they gave it back due to lack of funds. LOL! What made good shows great was having such great friends to share it with. Looking forward to the next step in the journey!

  2. Thanks for the tips on Branson and for another fine blog entry :D

    1. happy face using the keyboard doesn't appear as I would have it, just in case there's a question on how the comment ended

  3. It's Sally from Emmanuel lazy to sign in to Google🥺yeah, Branson is kin to Pigeon Forge, Kissimmee...same game plan. Haha but really like the backdoor info. Say How! to the Indians living in the area. Gen. Custer should be ashamed.

  4. Wish we could have gotten away earlier...we would have enjoyed everyone's company! Have a wonderful trip; it's generous for you to share it through this blog!


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