
Monday, August 28, 2023

Wrapping UP !!


   As we come to the end of this leg of our 2023 sojourn, we are headed South toward Lonestar Corral SKP in Hondo, TX. We are spending a final week of relaxation at Potter's Cove Park, a lovely US ACOE campground on the North side of Canyon Lake after a serene 8 days at Kimbell Bend COE Park on the Brazos River. If you haven't availed yourself to the opportunity to use the network of US Army Corps of Engineers parks and campgrounds, do so ! You will not regret it !

Potter's Creek COE Park on Canyon Lake

  To say it has been HOT would be an understatement... But it has been hot everywhere !! I don't think I can remember a summer this hot since I was on a Teen Missions trip to build a church in La Morirra Mexico. A fantastic little community of orange farmers, miles and miles and miles of orange groves and... well... nothing else. To get anywhere you needed to hitch a ride on one of the trucks taking oranges or other produce to market in Gran Terran and have them drop you off at the bus station in Ayende (literally the 'end of the line') The people were so warm and inviting... But that is a post for another time.

  Short Drone Video over Canyon Lake:  Flight Over Canyon Lake  courtesy of Neal Kelsoe Click on red link above...

We have been extremely grateful to have the company of Jan and Neal Kelsoe as travel companions for the second half of this coddiwomple (“to travel in a purposeful  manner towards a vague destination").

  As covered in a previous post we hooked up with the Kelsoes at Turkey Creek SKP Park in Hollister, MO (Outside of Branson, MO) to start our northern trek. 

  Our adventure had a rough outline of intended destinations, but we planned the next stops as we went. No time limit and no preset dates we needed to be somewhere for a specific reservation.

  The journey has been most rewarding including 'bucket list' destinations that we were able to check off with a wonderful sense of satisfaction. We have been most fortunate to be able to complete this trip before the government restricts certain free citizens from being able to travel unimpeded by tyrannical dictates... (Forgive the proceeding anarchist [small a] rhetoric)

  I have included a reference map of the twenty primary locations for this trip that will dovetail with my previous blog posts if you have been graciously following along.

  Next summer, God willing, and the creek don't rise..., we are planning on heading up through Missouri, Illinois, Indianna, Michigan's North Peninsula, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montanna, Idaho then down thru Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, Nothing set in stone but if you have the inclination to join the Caravan I am sure arraignments can be made.


  1. Splendid travel log, I appreciate your inclusion of campgrounds among your entertaining day trip reviews. It does appear to be cooling down as that high pressure heat dome weakens... freeze preparations are just around the corner 😋 Ciao

  2. Awesome write up! It is amazing to see where we have been. It has been a lot of fun and looking forward to the next coddiwomple.

  3. great trip for you guys,hope your next one is equally as successful. Enjoyed your blog,have a great winter in Texas. We plan on leaving for Florida middle October if Hurricanes will allow,come back to Ms. in May to Enid Lake for my VA app. in Memphis then we never know.


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