
Tuesday, August 8, 2023


  One of my many pursuits over the years is writing song parodies...I made a cryptic reference to this in my last post. Having dabbled with twisting song lyrics for years because the alternate lyrics would occur to me while listening to a popular song. I am sure we have all done this on occasion.

  One time I had a song kicking around in my head and didn't really know what the actual lyrics were, so I did an internet search to find out and one of the search results was "Am I  Right" where they featured 'misheard lyrics' I really got a kick out of that. One of the associated pages was SONG PARODIES... Eureka !!! 

  Am I Right turned out to be an online community of like-minded, and might I add talented 'artists' (IMHO) who were submitting song parodies for the members consideration, critique and judgement on three criteria; pacing (matches pace of original song) how funny and overall impression.  These people were taskmasters...

  This was back in 2007, My first parody submission was of Carly Simons "You're So Vain"   parody titled "You're Insane!" it received a fair amount of response as well as some solid critiques that I took to heart and worked diligently on improving my tendered parodies.

Carly Simon
  I submitted a few parodies under Walt Conner, my internet   'nom de plume' for most things web related, poetry and such.   I have provided a self-indulgent link above that opens a new 
page with my parodies listing on the Am I Right website. 
(If you are so inclined to peruse my song characterizations)

  Submitting a parody of "Nobody Does It Better"   retitled 'Anybody Would Be Better' and during its critique   one of the sites regulars challenged me to do a rewrite about   the upcoming elections... challenge accepted. It got a great   review but touched off a lot of comments back and forth over   the pending elections...
                   "C'est la guerre, ehh Napoleon?"

Crystal Gayle

   A more recent parody was   Crystal Gayle's "Don't It Turn My Brown Eyes Blue" which became the more politicly charged 'Don't You Turn My Red State Blue'... 
a few of the more 'liberal' reviewer's heads exploded !!

"On Matters of Style, Swim With the Current. 
        On Matters of Principle, Stand Like a Rock"

- Thomas Jefferson





  1. Good fun! Now songs stuck in my head ;-) LSC74

  2. Fun stuff 😀 And you're right about having done Song Parodies, this and license plate games pass the miles along the interstate. Whoodathunk that there's a website for this. Thanks for sharing another entertaining blog entry! Ciao

    1. Tattoo.
      Whatever I can do to keep you amused...

  3. Song parodies, huh? Well, I never figured you for this bit of artistry. Very impressive (and funny)!


    1. I have a plethora of hidden talents, thanx for the comments and the inspiration for this Blog...


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