
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

This & That - Who, What, Where and When...

 When I worked as a 'Security Specialist' (read weekend guard) for WELLS FARGO SECURITY, they gave us a special notebook during orientation that was to be part of our uniform. The notebook, the facilitator explained, was to record any details of an incident that might occur during our security rounds.

  We were to take note of WHO (persons encountered) WHAT (what transpired or what was observed) WHERE (precise location of the event) and WHEN (notation of time when the incident occurred)

  Keen observation and adherence to the guidelines are the hallmarks of a good security officer and further any subsequent investigation, if any... A quick resolution to any skullduggery relies directly on the strength of accurate information recorded at the time of the offense. 

  Taking notice of the little details has always been one of my strengths. (at least it used to be...) My adoring bride might disagree with that statement, but I digress...

  The same four Axioms are essential to writing as well.  I strive to remember those fundamentals when writing anything from a simple text message to writing a good Parody to these blog posts submitted for your consideration. I want to sincerely thank you for your continued indulgence.

  I was born in a log cabin in... no wait, I was born in a manger ! Not true, but I am from Bethlehem ! Born in the suburb of Redford Twsp. outside of Detroit Michigan. Raised in the farming community of Nazareth (another Biblical reference) Pennsylvania. At the age of 10 we moved into the Steel town of Bethlehem (PA) where I grew in wisdom and stature (another BR).

  I attended Bethlehem Area Vocational / Technical School (BAVTS) during high school while keeping up with college preparatory classes at my home school, Liberty HS. I graduated from the Plumbing/HVAC program and apprenticed with the awesome duo of Kipp & Kafrovitch, registered plumbers.

  Raised Evangelical Congregational, I considered attending Myerstown Seminary to become a pastor but couldn't square my own beliefs (as well as some personal demons) with the E.C. dogma, much to the dismay of my maternal Grandmother.

   1974 - Vietnam was a debacle and the Draft was still a very real thing... When I registered for the Selective Service I was told I would be placed in the "H Category" (Holding) But when my draft card arrived via the United States Postal Service, I had been classified as "A" (Active) So off to my local NAVY recruiter's office I went just as fast as my sturdy, well defined legs could carry me (High School track team - Poll Vaulter)...Okay, I drove there... 

Drydock at Pudget Sound

  Joined the US Navy as a Submariner. Graduated submarine school in Groton Conn. and was posted to the nuclear fast attack submarine USS GUITARRO SSN-665 being refueled and refitted at PSNS Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA. The 'Gutfish' was a 637 Sturgeon Class boat and once done with the refuel/refit, we assumed our intended role of West Coast Test Platform for the newly developed Tomahawk Cruise Missile.  Operating out of San Diego, CA (Point Loma) and forward ported in Oahu Hawaii (Pearl)... Pretty hard to take, Ho Hum, just another (expletive deleted) day in Paradise.

USS Guitarro - Out of Pearl Harbor
  1975 - 1980: The years I spent aboard the Guitarro became the foundation for everything that followed. I was one of two Radiomen assigned to the boat, we stood 'port and starboard' watches, that is 12 hours on and 12 hours off. I had the night/graveyard shift (1800 to 0600) 6 to 6 for you landlubbers.

  It was essential to have utmost confidence in your shipmates. You could sleep with the complete assurance that the boat was in capable hands, and you could rest easy in that knowledge. (until they ran drills) and run drills they did... I was also the boats only CRYPTO librarian. (Classified Document Custodian) 

These men were the finest individuals I have ever had the pleasure to call Brother.

Tomahawk Cruise Missel
Guess which one is me...

"These Dolphins, once you pin them on your chest, leave deep marks, right over your heart, long after the uniforms have been put away.”

  I will save the sinking of the USS Guitarro for another post... Suffice it to say it wasn't my fault !!

  My time was up... EAOS (End of Active Obligated Service) I returned to civilian life back in Bethlehem, PA working in the Family construction business. 

  I spent 47 years in construction; Family Company, Confer Brothers, Chiles & Sillivan, Inc. and on my own as C&S Carpentry and Design, LLC until retirement in 2018.

Until Next Time...

                 "May The Odds Be Forever In Your Favor"


  1. Respect... massively. Nice writing/blog entry as we get to know you. Again, Respect. Ciao

  2. An interesting biography, well-festooned with humor. You're a natural.

    1. ~ MM ~
      Thanx for "following" and your continued support !

  3. I had to come back to this. While surfing the over the air TV channels I was made aware of why your picture with the caption Guess Which One Is Me appeared so familiar. From That 70's Show we have Fez on our right, Eric Foreman on our left, and Steven Hyde in the middle, thus having your own version of That 70's Show. See you in a few months Hyde... Ciao

    1. It WAS the 70's... you are a card (a Joker that needs to dealt with...) Thanx for commenting !

  4. I think your the one taking the picture


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